Adding mindfulness to your child’s treatment regimen can rewire his neurology and activate sluggish parts of the brain. By James M. Greenblatt, M.D. Over my…
Antioxidants promise and deliver many health benefits — including improved brain activity related to ADHD. Here, learn how one type of antioxidant, OPCs, impact brain…
Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins for the Treatment of ADHD Article by James Greenblatt, MD, and originally published on The Science of Psychotherapy. It was 1534, and…
6 Surprising Ways to Boost The Effectiveness of Antidepressants Article by Julia Bowyer Over the past few decades, antidepressant use has risen exponentially. A 2011…
Probiotics on the Brain A Growing Number of Scientists Now Believe That Gut Bacteria Can Influence Mental Health By Elizabeth Gehrman “Thank you, you’ve never…
Low Levels of Healthy Gut Bacteria Could Be the Cause of Mental Health Issues Such as 'Anxiety and Schizophrenia' By Daily Mail Reporter People suffering…
Anxiety in Your Head Could Come From Your Gut By Susan Donaldson James Dr. James Greenblatt, a Boston-area psychiatrist, had a puzzling case: a teenager…
Gut Feelings: The Future of Psychiatry May be Inside Your Stomach The right combination of stomach microbes could be crucial for a healthy mind Originally…